From Rev. Warnock (via Progressive Turnout Project) <[email protected]>
Subject I’m humbly asking
Date November 18, 2022 5:44 PM
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Look, it’s official: our critical Georgia Senate race is heading to a runoff.

With the entire GOP establishment behind my opponent, Herschel Walker, I can't keep up this momentum and defend my critical seat without your immediate support. That's why I'm humbly asking: Will you split $5 or more right now between me and Progressive Turnout Project to keep Georgia blue?

GOP donors are flooding our race with over $37 million – and Mitch McConnell's super PAC has launched attack ad after attack ad against me. Republicans are determined to flip Georgia red.

I know this grassroots team has what it takes to win – but with national Republicans going all-in to flip this seat, we can't let up for even a second. We've set a goal to raise another $200,000 today so we can fight back against GOP attacks – but we're falling short, and I need your help.

Please, will you split a donation of $5 or more now between me and Progressive Turnout Project so we can win in Georgia and expand our Democratic Senate majority?

Donate $5 now →
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Donate $50 now →
Donate $100 now →
Donate $500 now →
Or donate another amount →
Thank you for all that you do.

– Rev. Raphael Warnock

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Progressive Turnout Project
201 W Lake St #104
Chicago, IL 60606

Paid for by Progressive Turnout Project and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Your Email Address: [email protected]

Thank you for supporting the Progressive Turnout Project. We’re a 100% grassroots-funded organization with a single mission: rallying Democrats to exercise their right to vote.

As the largest voter contact organization in the country, Progressive Turnout Project made a huge impact in the 2020 election. But our work is far from over. Our very democracy is being hijacked by efforts to make voting inaccessible to the many, in service of the few. If you'd like to donate, please click here. Thanks for your support!
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