With an Autumn Statement that does little to allay projections of falling living standards, the Green Party are offering a brighter alternative
Green background with Green Party logo in white

Dear John,


The Chancellor's Autumn Statement yesterday outlined the same tired old approach that the Conservatives have been peddling for years. Austerity again, with spending cuts of £30 billion which will impact the poorest the hardest, and no mention of the kind of Green economic revolution needed to combat the climate crisis.


Co-leader Adrian Ramsay said: 

“Whatever Jeremy Hunt claims, this amounts to taking £30 billion away from people who need it during a cost of living crisis–both directly and through cuts in services."

Ahead of the Autumn Statement, the Green Party put forward its own proposals, including:

  • Taxing the wealth of the richest 1% of households to raise at least £70 billion 
  • Imposing dirty profits taxes, without any loopholes, on the oil and gas companies making huge sums from fossil fuels and the energy crisis
  • Provide increased funding for the Environment Agency and Ofwat to ensure proper enforcement of privatised water companies so that they invest in the infrastructure needed to end the scandal of sewage being poured into the rivers and seas

Budget statements must go further than this. We must transform our relationship with the land. We must stop burning fossil fuels as soon as possible. The UK has an abundance of the wind, tides, sun and rivers needed to be self-sufficient in energy – and it’s time for investment to unleash this potential and enable us leave oil and gas in the ground


If you join the Green Party today, we can get more Greens in power. Greens are the only ones pushing for real change, for a Green economic revolution.


Adrian Ramsay commented:


“Our tax-raising alternative would mean polluting companies and the very richest households contribute more, while our investment in a rapid move to a net zero economy would fund the new skilled, sustainable, well-paid jobs that will be needed to replace those reliant on fossil fuels.

“Our plans ensure those most able and those most responsible pay, while the vast majority reap the rewards of a rapid move to a green economy.”

We need you to join us today, for a better tomorrow. 


In solidarity,

The Green Party