
Western societies and governments used to value Freedom.

When I was growing up, the best countries in the world were the ones that were the most Free.

But the value of Freedom has eroded in my lifetime.

Now our globalist and woke elites want to base our society on Safety.

They say people like me promote “disinformation” and we have to be censored to keep you safe.

They kept you locked down and your business closed to keep you safe.

They required you to take a shot to keep your job and keep you safe.

It’s not really about Safety.

It’s about Control.

John, do you know what?

I won’t let these globalist, technocratic, hacks control me.

I will continue to speak up, to promote Freedom, and to live Free.

Do you agree that Freedom is paramount to a just society?

Donate $4 today to help us get Freedom voices in Parliament!


P.S. If you have trouble finding where you can donate, you can just click this link!


People's Party of Canada
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