The following statement is from Maine DMR Commissioner Patrick Keliher on Thursday's?Decision by Judge James Boasberg on the federal lawsuit?Center for Biological Diversity v. Raimondo. The decision is attached. "I?m pleased that Judge Boasberg acknowledged the need for additional time to develop a new rule and the likely economic devastation and unintended consequences if he had chosen to vacate the Biological Opinion. It?s also good to see that he recognized how important it is for the NMFS to carefully weigh evolving scientific data in this process. While his order doesn?t set a deadline for the new BiOp, he does require status updates from NMFS every six months and suggests that the court will likely require a new BiOp after promulgation of the new rule in 2024. The next two years will go by fast, so we will continue to work closely with Maine fishermen to develop a range of measures that ensure compliance with the changing regulatory landscape, and a resilient future for this important Maine industry." Patrick Keliher