📊 LGBTQ Youth are Coming Out at Younger Ages, Calls for Adult Affirming Support
In analyzing the age of sexual orientation outness and suicide risk, our latest research found that LGBTQ young people who come out earlier in their life (before the age of 13) report higher rates of victimization and suicide risk. As a potential explanation for this increase in risk, 46% of LGBTQ youth who came out before age 13 reported that they have been physically threatened or harmed due to their sexual orientation or gender identity, compared to 34% of LGBTQ youth who came out after age 13. However, LGBTQ youth who came out before age 13 and had family support reported lower rates of attempting suicide in the past year.
This research serves as a call to action for the adults in LGBTQ youth’s lives — parents, family members, teachers, doctors, and other direct service providers — to create affirming environments where youth can feel safe and supported coming out and live authentically at any age.