Dear, friend of the Journal,

I’m working on tomorrow’s newsletter, and I wanted to take a quick break to share something that’s been on my mind.

As you know, we set an ambitious goal to get 75 new members to donate to our Green Journalism Fund. We’re making progress, but we need your commitment.

What’s the money going to be used for? The funds we raise help us pay the reporters, writers, photographers, and artists who make Earth Island Journal special. The more funding we have, the more stories we can explore.

Can we count you as one of our supporters?
Yes! I'll support the Green Journalism Fund!
Thank you for trusting us, and coming back to Earth Island Journal. We work to publish stories that surprise our readers with new information and explore perspectives overlooked by other publications.

This is a big membership goal for us. We don’t run many campaigns like this, but I know we can get there with help from the Journal community.

We understand if you aren’t in a position to make a donation right now. This has been a hard few years for many people. I’m inspired by the people who get up every day, and make what John Lewis would call “good trouble,” and keep hoping for better times ahead.

Any gift amount helps — even $5/month. If you aren’t a subscriber yet, consider an annual subscription for $20, which will get you 4 issues of our award-winning magazine ($25 for international addresses). Already a subscriber? Gift a subscription! We love it when our readers share our work.
Count me in!

See you tomorrow!

Brian Calvert
Associate Editor, Earth Island Journal

Photo: Tide Comes In by Richard1990

P.S. You can get 4 issues of our award-winning magazine delivered by clicking this secure link: https://donate.earthisland.org/page/20964/donate/1?ea.tracking.id=StayingStrong
Prefer to mail a check?
Donations by check can be made payable to Earth Island Institute and mailed to:
2150 Allston Way, Suite 460, Berkeley, CA 94704
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