The federal judge lambasted Florida officials' argument that "professors enjoy 'academic freedom' so long as they express only those viewpoints of which the state approves."
"At a COP shaped by more than 600 fossil-fuel lobbyists roaming the halls, parties fighting for progress must push back against weak language that allows the fossil fuel industry to continue its deadly expansion," said one campaigner.
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If you need more than a minimum wage, go vote. If you need to decide between paying for rent or medications, go vote. If you still don’t have decent health care or potable water, go vote.
To date, the world's wealthy countries have so far refused to pay for "loss and damage," that is, to admit that they've massively polluted the atmosphere with carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gasses.
Against huge odds and with minimal resources, farmers and peasant agrarian communities around the globe are proving we can nourish people and the planet with agroecological farming.