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Our work continues...
NDRN name and logo.
Portrait of Marlene Sallo, a Latino woman with short dark hair. She is wearing a black top and stands outside in front of green leaves and foliage.

Dear John,

Did you know that it is estimated that people with disabilities make up 26 percent of the United States population? That’s 61 million people!

Yet our voices are often drowned out and our needs are neglected. That is why the National Disability Rights Network exists today—to make sure we as a country remember that people with disabilities deserve the same rights as everyone else.

Please support our work today.

I’ve been on the job as NDRN’s executive director for just over a month now. And this is what I can tell you: this network isn’t afraid to take on every injustice we find. We are shining bright lights in the dark places to put an end to abuse and neglect. We are assisting people to find and keep their jobs. We work with kids, parents, and schools to combat bullying and ensure educational opportunities for students with disabilities. We worked night and day to make the 2022 mid-term elections the most accessible in history. And I can tell you one more thing: the staff here and at all our member agencies are the most dedicated, smartest, and bravest advocates I have ever encountered.

It may sound like we are stretched too thin. I’ll be honest. We are. It takes an incredible amount of time and resources to reach the 61 million Americans with disabilities in need of our advocacy. That’s where you come in.

As we head into the season of giving, I’m asking you to support our work with a donation today. It’s wonderful supporters like you who help us keep this work going. We need your generosity again. Please give.

Marlene Sallo, JD
Executive Director


National Disability Rights Network
820 First Street NE Suite 740 | Washington, District of Columbia 20002
(202) 408-9514 | [email protected]

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