From Jim Robb - <[email protected]>
Subject Lame duck AMNESTY danger!
Date November 17, 2022 8:16 PM
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Now we have our work cut out for us!

Desperate Democrats are trying to shove amnesty through the "lame duck" session of Congress

Please help us stop them!

UPDATE/BREAKING NEWS: Congress is likely to vote just after Thanksgiving on a proposal to give temporary workers permanent green cards! You should have received an Action Alert with a specific message for your representative. Please check your Action Board to see any Actions you can take to help prevent increased immigration.

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Hi John,

I've never seen a congressional election that close. Have you? Before last Tuesday, virtually every political pundit on both sides of the aisle was predicting a huge GOP victory. But while the Democrats have held onto the Senate, the Republicans seem to have won the House of Representatives.

At NumbersUSA, we know we need to have the support of elected officials from both parties if we're ever going to win on our issue. But it'll be very helpful to move on from current House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her extreme open-borders advocacy.

But till the new year, Pelosi is still in charge!

The Democrats' leaders in Congress are trying one last push for amnesty before the Republicans take over the House in January.

According to the Hill, a D.C.-based politics newspaper, Democrats are considering sticking at least a HUGE AMNESTY FOR "DREAMERS" (illegal aliens who entered the US at 18 years old or younger) onto a spending bill in the lame duck session... with no improvements in border security, workplace enforcement or meaningful reform:

"House Democrats are preparing a legislative sprint to send immigration reforms to the Senate before they give up their majority in the lower chamber next year.

"The lame-duck push is focusing on a bill to protect so-called Dreamers, beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. The decision, announced by House Democratic leaders during a closed-door meeting Tuesday morning in the Capitol, comes just a week after the midterm elections, when both parties were vying for a growing share of Hispanic voters."

In fact, just since that was published, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is already calling for citizenship for all illegal aliens in the U.S., no matter how many there are! His best chance of pushing this is now, while Democrats still hold a slim majority in the House.

If we can make it safely through this month and next month in Congress without an amnesty passing, the new Congress convening in January will most likely stop the mischief. Rep. Kevin McCarthy, if he does become the new Speaker of the House, has stated that the BORDER CRISIS MUST BE FIXED BEFORE ANY OTHER IMMIGRATION MATTER CAN BE BROUGHT UP.

But desperate people do desperate things, so Democrats in Congress plan to make their move in the next few weeks. It looks like we're going to have to hustle to stop it. And they're trying to recruit Republican senators to support them. On Tuesday, the American Business Immigration Council, the U.S. Apple Association, AmericanHort, and the National Council of Farm Co-ops held a press conference to push for a farmworker amnesty that already has several Republican representatives as sponsors.

John, It looks like we're going to be massively outspent again. That's to be expected since we raise funds mostly from our activists, not billionaires and their foundations. But we do need that much money to keep up our efforts to block amnesties, illegal immigration and unhelpful green-card giveaways.

We've defeated every other attempt by Congress to pass a significant amnesty this century. We can defeat this one. But we need your help. Will you help us stop this amnesty attempt by making a donation today?

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If politicians should learn anything from Election Day, it should be that pandering with promises of massive increases in immigration is NOT how to earn the Hispanic vote.

Republicans won about 40% of the Hispanic vote, perhaps the highest percentage ever in a midterm election. That's up a few points from their already-strong 2020 election results. In some states, Hispanic support for Republican candidates was much higher. Gov. Ron DeSantis won 58% of Hispanic votes in Florida. Kerri Lake got 47% of the Hispanic vote in Arizona.

In all those cases, the GOP candidates were calling for MORE border enforcement! Our Hispanic virtual exit polling proves that Hispanic voters want stronger border enforcement and overall lower immigration numbers. By a 56%-32% margin, Hispanic voters want more done to fight immigration. And 62% WANT TO CUT LEGAL IMMIGRATION from its current 1 million a year level. Even 53% of Democratic Hispanic voters want to cut legal immigration numbers! But so far most Democrats in Congress aren't getting this message.

Instead, Democratic leaders in Congress are acting like a one-trick pony on immigration, opposing any reasonable reform measures. The Hill explains,

"Several members of the Hispanic Caucus said that discussions have already begun with the Senate, where immigration reformers are working to secure at least some GOP support. But without additional funding for border security, any immigration proposal is almost certainly dead on arrival in the Senate, where support from 10 Republicans would be needed to avoid a filibuster."

The biggest threat is that Republican senators agree to some empty reforms as window-dressing, or worse, the sort of immigration INCREASES sought by big corporations. This was the tactic of President George W. Bush and Senator John McCain several years ago.

We've helped convince most of the Republican Party that pandering on immigration doesn't work. But we need to block this effort. To do that, we need your help.

Please give today.

You can donate three ways:

1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal.

2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check.

3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back.

Keep the faith and don't ever give up!

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Jim Robb
VP Operations

P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at [email protected].

P. P. S.: Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.
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