Organize with Atlanta DSA this weekend

🌹 Build the Left, Fight the Right 🌹

Image promoting the monthly ATLDSA General Meeting

Join us for Atlanta DSA's monthly General Meeting this Saturday! We'll be debating and voting on our strategy for the Senate Runoff elections. All members are encouraged to attend, and interested non-members are welcome! This meeting will be held in person. Agenda (updated approximately one week before meeting): Please wear a mask!


We'll meet November 19th 4-6 PM at 711 Catherine St SW, Suite 150, Atlanta, GA 30310



Image of people protesting with a DSA banner and text that says Fuck Trump
Racist, sexist, anti-worker billionaire Donald Trump has filed to run for president once again, and working people are ready to fight back every step of the way!
We must unite the working class to rise up and defeat fascism once and for all. Fuck Donald Trump and his far-right agenda! DSA is fighting back and building a society run by and for the multiracial working class, not billionaires 🌹✊

🌹 Get Out The Vote for Abortion Rights! 🌹

Abortion is healthcare and a human right. We are getting out the vote in the Senate Runoff elections, and campaigning to decriminalize abortion in DeKalb County! Join us to talk with neighbors about early voting rules as well as abortion resources. We'll gather petition signatures in support of making abortion legal, safe and free!


We'll meet November 19th at 11AM in Brownwood Park at 607 Brownwood Ave SE, Atlanta, GA 30316 US


🌹 New Member Orientation: What is Atlanta DSA? 🌹

Image promoting the monthly ATLDSA New Member orientation

What is Atlanta DSA? Whether you just joined DSA, you’re a longtime member looking to get more involved, or you want to know whether DSA might be your political home, this info session and Q&A will be a chance to learn more about socialism and DSA and to get an overview of our chapter. Join us to learn how you can get involved with fighting capitalism and building socialism in Metro Atlanta and beyond.


We'll meet November 19th 3-4 PM at 711 Catherine St SW, Suite 150, Atlanta, GA 30310


🌹Read Up on the Reproductive Freedom Act🌹

People gathered holding a banner that says

Healthcare is now, has always been, and will forever be a human right. However, the right to bodily autonomy and flourishing is under coordinated attack in Georgia. The facts are simple: abortion access is supported by 70% of Georgia voters, yet right-wing and Republican activists, officials, and policy-makers continue to push forward an agenda against the wishes of Georgians.


Socialists fighting for universal, free healthcare and free abortion at the point of service can take meaningful steps in the next few weeks and months to both reclaim and improve abortion rights in Georgia. Learn more about the Reproductive Freedom Act and its supportive defense of any and all who wish to have an abortion free and on demand.


📕 ATLDSA Book Club: Class Struggle Unionism 📕

Image promoting the Book Club that meets every other Thursday

Atlanta DSA's Book Club is starting a new book: Class Struggle Unionism by Joe Burns! We meet THIS THURSDAY Nov. 17th at 7PM on Zoom and meet every other Thursday. DSA faces a lot of questions on how to rebuild the labor movement. How do we relate to the union establishment which often does not want to fight? Should we work in the rank and file of unions or take staff jobs? And most critically, how can we revive militancy and union power in the face of corporate power and a legal system set up against us? Join us in the coming weeks to discuss these issues and more! You can get a copy of the book for $2 from Haymarket Books. If you haven't been able to make a meeting yet, now is a great time to jump in! For more information, email [email protected].


🌹 Workplace Roundtable 🌹

Image promoting the monthly ATLDSA Workplace Roundtable

Ever thought about organizing your workplace, but don't know where to start? Join ATL DSA's labor committee for an in-person workplace roundtable at 711 Catherine St SW on Monday the 21st from 7:00-9:00 PM


This roundtable will be an informal discussion on workplace organizing strategies, and what challenges people are facing in their own workplaces. Be prepared to introduce yourself, and share your experiences and advice with comrades on having workplace organizing conversations, strategies, and more! This event is open to members and non-members of all levels of experience!


🌹 Join a Committee! 🌹

Atlanta DSA needs your help with our day-to-day programming! Apply to join or volunteer with one of our many Committees below.


Committees are where we organize our events and actions. Ever wonder who writes these emails, plans a canvass, or organizes strike support? A Committee! Most of our organizing happens through our 6 main committees: Electoral, Labor, Education, Communications, Operations, and Membership. Click here for more information on each committee's work. 


If you're looking to help out in a leadership capacity with Atlanta DSA, or just looking to volunteer, sign up to volunteer with a committee today!


Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America

Fighting for the many, not the few