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Make sure to read Ezra's message about our plans for the GA runoff


We hope you saw Ezra’s message from Tuesday. With two weeks to go before the Georgia runoff, we’re doing everything we can to help Sen. Warnock defeat Herschel Walker. If we turn out enough voters, we know we can win this race and end the midterms with a final rebuke to Trump and MAGA extremism. 

Make sure to read Ezra’s message below to get a full picture of the voter mobilization programs we want to expand in Georgia and click here to donate and help fund our GOTV work. And if you haven’t already, sign up to find new volunteer opportunities and help call and text out the vote in Georgia. 

This year, we made the midterm elections a referendum on MAGA and delivered history-defying results. Now, with Trump officially running for president, it’s clearer than ever that MAGA extremism is on the ballot. We’re going to defeat Trump (again) and we’ll start by making sure his handpicked candidate in Georgia loses on December 6. 

In solidarity, 
Indivisible Team

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ezra Levin
Date: Tue, Nov 14, 2022
Subject: Indivisible in the Georgia runoff


A couple days after the election I got to join a call with a few thousand Indivisible leaders and activists. (The recording is here in case you missed it!) Felt like 2017 again -- palpable energy, enthusiasm, and accomplishment. It’s been a helluva week without much sleep, but things are moving fast so I wanted to follow up with a debrief and some specific next steps:

This wasn’t just a history-defying midterm for our side -- it was a clear rejection of MAGA. We set out to make this election a referendum on MAGA in the spring, and we’ve beat that drum all over the country for months now. To see the victories credited to a rejection of MAGA’s attacks on abortion and democracy is so incredibly heartening. But actually it’s better than heartening -- it validates the strategy we had hoped would work moving forward. And that is damn energizing.

While we’re now launching our final session work (which we had planned for), there’s another important effort that we hadn’t budgeted for: the Georgia runoff. We wanted to avoid a runoff but it didn’t happen. I’m proud to say we left everything we had on the field leading up to Tuesday, but that means we face serious constraints right now. We simply are not budgeted to fully tap into our nationwide volunteer network to support Warnock over the next few weeks.

Relative to other operations, our expenses are low because we don’t run big ads or pay for expensive things. Our money funds volunteer engagement. We have a solid infrastructure nationally and on the ground in Georgia (I was out there just last week knocking doors for Warnock with local Indivisible groups). We ran a similar runoff operation just last year -- so we’ve done this before. We want to do it again, and money we take in now will go directly to this -- not socked away to pay for other expenses later.

The program is scalable to an extent -- the range in cost is $300-$500k in PAC dollars to fully mobilize our folks. And I’m sending this email now because we need to decide quickly exactly what we can greenlight. This is a situation where if we take the money in, we’ll greenlight more programs, and if we don’t, we won’t. Take a look at the list of programs we want to fund below and click here to donate so our volunteers have everything they need to mobilize voters and send Sen. Warnock back to the Senate. To get specific about what I’d like us to invest in right now:

  • Statewide distributed canvasses targeting areas with heavy Indivisible group presences, and working alongside America Votes GA Table to prioritize our turf-cutting. This is the top priority in the list of activities, and its expenses include canvass literature, door hangers, yard signs, and training/staff expenses. 
  • Deploy Neighbor2Neighbor canvassing program to our in-state list to make additional door contacts outside of organized canvasses. This is a new simplified micro-canvassing program we developed and launched earlier this year -- it gives our members across the state 5 doors to knock within a block or two of their own home. Our locals have loved it.
  • National phonebanking program and in-state texting to talk to voters and boost turnout. Just like 2021, this runoff will depend entirely on turning out base supporters and preventing as much dropoff from the general election as possible. We hope to make 725,000 voter contact attempts and our universe will target likely Democrats with middle to high turnout scores.
  • Direct local group financial support to our Indivisible statewide Georgia Coalition to support GOTV efforts. 
  • Electoral reimbursements focused on providing funding for our local Georgia groups’ electoral tactics, including billboards, postcards, local print ads, food and event space rentals to support DVC events, travel costs, and various merch.
  • Neighbor States program to fund Indivisible volunteer deployments from neighboring states within driving distance to support and amplify local GA groups with capacity to knock an additional 28,000 doors.
  • Build excitement and energy for local groups through a canvassing challenge, awarding top prizes for groups that record the most contacts.

We just got off of an enormously expensive midterm cycle and I know grassroots donors are just as exhausted as we are. I don’t begrudge anybody who is tapped out right now, but it’s also my responsibility to ask -- and that’s why you’re getting this email. If you can, click here to donate $10 so our network has the resources it needs to get out the vote and re-elect Sen. Warnock. 

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If you aren’t able to make a contribution right now, please consider signing up to volunteer and click here to be the first to know when we have volunteer opportunities available. 

In 2018 we build the largest midterm margins in the history of the republic. In 2020, we made Trump a one-term president. In 2021 we won two “impossible” runoffs in Georgia to clinch the Senate. Last week, we produced a history-defying midterm election. And next month, we’re going to expand the Senate margin by re-electing Senator Warnock. 

Let’s keep making history together.

In solidarity,


Ezra Levin

Co-Executive Director

Pronouns: He/him

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Paid for by Indivisible Action ( Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Indivisible Action is a Hybrid Political Action Committee fueled by the grassroots movement to win elections and build local, independent progressive power nationwide. Read more about the formation of our PAC here.

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