Dear John,
Do you know how often protests occur in China? Despite the Chinese Communist Party’s best efforts, dissent in China is more frequent and widespread than you may imagine.
This week, Freedom House’s Kevin Slaton presents data and findings from the China Dissent Monitor (CDM), a new Freedom House research project. Between June and September 2022, CDM documented 668 incidents of protest and other dissent in mainland China, including marches, strikes, and hashtag campaigns.
Despite years of concerted efforts to control and silence their voices, people in China are speaking out collectively and individually in the streets, in their communities, and in cyberspace.
Explore the China Dissent Monitor
Freedom House's China Dissent Monitor features interactive research on collective action in public spaces and cases of online dissent, filling a critical information gap in a country with severe media restrictions and risks associated with exposing dissent.
New Report: How Civic Mobilizations Grow in Authoritarian Contexts
Freedom House's new special report, How Civic Mobilizations Grow in Authoritarian Contexts is now live.
The report examines what helps and hurts civic mobilizations in authoritarian countries and provides insight on how these mobilizations grow.
Join us for the launch presentation of the report findings and a panel discussion on Tuesday, Dec. 6 2022 9:00am ET.
Freedom House Joins Instagram
We are excited to share that Freedom House is now officially on Instagram! Check out our new profile for future educational content and updates about our work and research.
Vladimir Putin's unwarranted and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine is an attack on democracy. Though the Ukrainian military has made promising advancements, the human toll of the war continues to mount.
Freedom House in the News
Freedom House is hosting, moderating, and
participating in various upcoming events.
2023 Mark Palmer Prize Nominations
Freedom House is soliciting nominations for the 2023 Mark Palmer Prize, which recognizes exceptional achievements to protect and advance democracy by diplomats and officials serving in intergovernmental institutions. Nominations must be submitted by December 31, 2022.
The China Media Bulletin
A monthly newsletter that offers unique insight on censorship, media freedom, and internet freedom issues related to the People's Republic of China, drawing on both English and Chinese-language sources
The Hong Kong Media Bulletin
A monthly email newsletter that provides unique insight into media freedom and freedom of expression issues in Hong Kong, and a spotlight on initiatives by Hong Kongers and their global supporters.
All our newsletters are available for subscription here.

Giving Tuesday is November 29th.
Champion Freedom,
Defend Democracy.