Good morning John,
I’ll make this quick because I’m on my way to a meeting - but I’m in Washington, D.C. this week with a team of people who love the Boundary Waters, meeting with lawmakers to work to protect the Boundary Waters from risky copper mining.
Today is Minnesota’s biggest giving holiday, Give to the Max Day, and we have an ambitious fundraising goal this year. I’m nervous about it, but making our goal is critical to funding our expert legal, scientific, and policy work that MUST prevail to protect this precious Wilderness.
Can I count on you to step up and protect America’s premier canoe country today when all gifts are automatically doubled until midnight?
For ten years, Save the Boundary Waters has worked tirelessly to make this moment possible: we have the rare chance to pass lasting protections for the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, but we can’t let Congress fritter away this chance. The clock is ticking, and we need the Boundary Waters protected before Congress adjourns for the year.
Are you with us in the fight to protect canoe country this Give to the Max Day?
- Becky Rom
P.S. Don’t forget to use this link here to give on our Give to the Max Day website, and your donation will be matched until the end of the day today!
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