Dear Friend,
As 48,000 student workers across the University of California system went on strike, it reminds us that, under capitalism, our rights to live will never be simply given, but fought for with courage, resilience, and organization.
Standing in solidarity with UC workers, we at Science for the People devotes deeply to organizing our workplaces as scientists. In the past year, we have worked with academic union organizers across the United States to understand, reflect, and strategize our path to power as workers. In the process, we have put our practical knowledge in writing.
There is no better time to release our edited volume than now. We hope that these 120 pages of Organize the Lab: Theory and Practice?may guide STEM workers in organizing and struggling for what is rightfully ours, and inspire a radical vision of science that does away with the inhumane education system dominated by the academic-industrial complex.?
In solidarity,
Science for the People