From Howard Learner, Environmental Law & Policy Center <>
Subject 2022 Elections: Seizing Environmental Opportunities Across Midwest
Date November 16, 2022 11:00 PM
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Voters chose competence, stability, and problem-solving over chaos and disruption.

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Dear John,

The public’s overall message in the 2022 midterm elections is clear: people mostly voted for competence, stability, and problem-solving, instead of chaos and disruption. People didn’t vote for change, they voted for calm nationally and in the Midwest states.

The re-elected Midwest governors can advance effective bipartisan regional coordination for EV charging infrastructure, Great Lakes restoration, a higher-speed passenger rail network, and energy efficiency, which are key climate change solutions.

There are some real environmental opportunities in the Midwest states that take two very different forms – the first more partisan and obvious, and the second more bipartisan and well worth exploring.

I expanded on all of these thoughts in more detail in my blog ([link removed]) that I welcome you to read.
Read My Election Analysis ([link removed])

Thank you for the work you do. We’re all in this together fighting to accelerate climate change solutions and to protect the Midwest’s environment, people and communities, and vital natural resources.

Howard Learner
Executive Director

P.S. In honor of ELPC’s upcoming 30^th Anniversary, three generous donors are triple matching gifts given between now and GivingTuesday on November 29th. That means for every $1 you give, they will donate $3. Please donate today! ([link removed])

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