Chris CoonsJoin us.
Dear John,

I want to thank you. No one runs for office alone, and I am grateful that you are with me on this journey. Thank you for your support of my campaign.

To say 2020 will be the most important election in our lifetimes seems like an understatement. I know we say that about every election, but there's something different this time around, and our kids are watching the legacy we will leave.

They're watching the way we conduct ourselves in this moment, and someday, they'll ask us what we did to combat climate change, tackle the gun violence epidemic, and hold accountable a president who so clearly believed he was above the law.

This country is going to be theirs sooner than we think. I want them to know we did all that we could to rise to the occasion. We stood firm against forces that want to divide us through hate and fear. We worked to solve problems that are bigger than ourselves.

Each American generation has embraced its challenges, not run from them. That same spirit is alive and well in 2020. There's nothing we can't accomplish when we stand together.

Thank you for standing with me and being a part of my campaign team.

Happy New Year.




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