From National Association of Scholars <>
Subject November News from NAS
Date November 16, 2022 7:15 PM
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Parasites, Policy Proposals, and Pending Court Cases

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November Newsletter
Parasites, Policy Proposals, and Pending Court Cases

** Featured Articles
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November 06, 2022

** Resisting Racial Preferences: A Retrospective ([link removed])

National Association of Scholars

The National Association of Scholars has long opposed the use of racial preferences in college admissions. We hope that the Court will bring an end to racial preferences in higher education with its decisions in the Harvard and UNC cases and restore equality to college admissions.
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November 14, 2022

** The Extended Parasite: On the Design of the Diversity Bureaucracy [MTC] ([link removed])

Mason Goad

If we seek to excise the diversity bureaucracy, we must understand how its structure was designed to foster blind obedience to authority.

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September 23, 2022

** Improving Higher Ed Through Better Open-Records Laws [MTC] ([link removed])

Neetu Arnold and Ian Oxnevad

In order to expose the true extent of foreign influence in American higher education, we must reform open-records laws.

** Announcements
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** Fall 2022 Issue of Academic Questions Now Available Online ([link removed])

The newest issue of Academic Questions offers a robust defense of the social and cultural legacy of the liberal arts. Click here ([link removed]) to read the issue for free online!

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** NAS Statement on Louisiana’s Foreign Funding Transparency Bill ([link removed])

The National Association of Scholars congratulates the state of Louisiana for passing a robust foreign funding disclosure requirement for its higher education institutions.

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** NAS President Peter Wood Addresses the Pending Racial Preferences Cases ([link removed])

Read Dr. Wood's remarks on racial preferences, which he presented at an informal meeting of academics and intellectuals based in New York.

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** NAS Cuts the Ribbon for Policy Proposals Website Section ([link removed])

Our new policy proposals webpage ([link removed]) aims to restore an American education system that fosters intellectual freedom, searches for truth, and promotes virtuous citizenship.

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** NAS Statement on Stanford University's Belated Apology to Jewish Applicants ([link removed])

Stanford should apologize for the discrimination it is committing now. Apologies delayed a lifetime are mockeries of true remorse.

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** NAS Statement on Nomination of Ben Sasse for University of Florida President ([link removed])

We believe that Senator Sasse would make an excellent university president, and we urged the Board of Trustees to confirm his nomination.

** Academic and Professional Opportunities ([link removed])

Professors are invited to nominate students ([link removed]) for the Hertog Foundation’s winter fellowship, Humanities at Hertog ([link removed]) . The National Endowment for the Humanities is accepting applications ([link removed]) for the Public Scholars program. The School of Public Policy of Pepperdine University invites qualified candidates to apply for the position of Assistant Professor of Public Policy ([link removed]) .

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** Government Education Jobs ([link removed])

Are you looking for a job? Check out our list of U.S. Government jobs pertaining to the education sector. Click here to access our pdf of government job websites ([link removed]) .

** Events
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** American Innovation: The Birth of Flight ([link removed])

Join NAS tomorrow at 2 pm ET for the next webinar in our new American Innovation series: “The Birth of Flight.” Register online here ([link removed]) .

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** Celebrating America: A Webinar Series from the NAS ([link removed])

Join NAS for events on American history and literature. Our next events in the Celebrating America series include The Virginian by Owen Wister ([link removed]) on November 22 and The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett ([link removed]) on November 29.

** Media
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** New Webinar Recordings from NAS ([link removed])

Watch the recordings of NAS's most recent webinars, including The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe ([link removed]) , The University: Friend or Foe of Science? ([link removed]) , The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway ([link removed]) , Saving Evolution from Itself ([link removed]) , and Right Ideas: Robert Nisbet ([link removed]) .

** Member Publications

** John Ellis
"A More Diverse America Turns Against Racial Preferences" ([link removed])
Wall Street Journal. October 14, 2022.

** Jon Fennell
"A Polanyian Encounter with John 3:16-21"
Polanyiana. Forthcoming.

"That Our World Might Endure: Michael Polanyi's 'Primary Education'," in Science, Faith, Society: New Essays on the Philosophy of Michael Polanyi
New York: Springer. Forthcoming.

"Epistemological Foundations of Liberal Education for Democratic Life" [with Timothy L. Simpson] ([link removed])
The Educational Forum. May 06, 2022.

** Robert Maranto
"What Do We Really Mean by 'Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion'?" ([link removed]) [with Michael Mills and Catherine Salmon]
The Hill. November 07, 2022.

"On '1619' and Other School Culture Wars: A case for pluralism and accuracy" ([link removed])
National School Boards Association. November 01, 2022.

** Lee Oser
"Shakespeare and God" ([link removed]) [podcast with Mark Bauerlein]
First Things. October 24, 2022.

** Richard P. Phelps
The Malfunction of US Education Policy: Elite Misinformation, Disinformation, and Selfishness ([link removed])
Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. April 2023 (forthcoming).

"Subtractive Scholarship" ([link removed])
Academe Blog. October 13, 2022.

** Kenin M. Spivak
"Decoupling from China, Quickly" ([link removed])
American Mind. November 04, 2022.

"Biden's America Adrift" ([link removed])
The American Mind. October 26, 2022.

** William H. Young
"Congress Finally Acts" ([link removed])
National Association of Scholars. November 08, 2022.

NAS members, we'd like to feature your work in this space. By featuring members' books and articles, we can recognize your good work and help members with similar research interests find one another. Let us know about your recent publications by emailing ( .

For reasoned scholarship in a free society.
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