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Editor's Note:

With the midterms in our rearview mirrors (almost), many people are still reeling from the failure of elections that they thought might help save America as we remember it. Perhaps now is the time to fully admit: Politicians and the political process are not our protectors. Normal American citizens are, whether we want that role or not. As Christopher Rose explains, we must throw away our fears and stop timidly going along to get along in our everyday lives. Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
Free Speech Dies Because We Stop Speaking Freely, Not The Other Way Around
November 16, 2022

Newly elected House Republicans have every political reason to hold investigative hearings into government abuse of power during Covid. While these hearings should have happened long ago, they will no doubt vindicate many Americans who suffered under the capricious reign of public health officials. Central to this investigation will be an inquiry into government attempts to manipulate public opinion.

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