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Dear John,

We’re pleased to share that an article titled “Funders, it's time to change how we think about risk”, written by Kate Kroeger, our Executive Director, and Shalini Eddens, our Deputy Executive Director, was published today in Alliance Magazine.

The article calls on funders to rethink the concept of risk, discussing the fact that the activists we support take on threats and risks with their work on a daily basis. While funders have historically played it safe in their giving, the current state of the world and the need for more resources to defend human rights calls for funders to step out of their comfort zones, embrace more risk in their grantmaking, and help ensure a more gender-just world.

Kate and Shalini share examples of risk-taking and risk management from our work at Urgent Action Fund, and call on funders to join us in rethinking the current approach to human rights funding.
Read the Article
In solidarity,
Urgent Action Fund
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