I want to ask you to do two things today...

  • Try out our new Single-Issue Survey about national security and foreign policy.

  • Share it with others - this is a great way to do outreach!

This is all part of our powerful plan to find and create lots of new libertarians!

Take the National Security Survey

The World's Smallest Political Quiz has been a great tool for the entire libertarian movement. It has been taken more than 25 million times. It has helped millions of people get the idea that they might be libertarians (and millions more that they agree with libertarians on many issues). But the quiz is a one-time event that is limited to ten issues, so...

What about issues that aren't on the quiz? 

What if we want to create additional conversations? Could we delve deeper into the details of a given issue? 

And what about issues that are hot in the news or that are being debated in the workplace lunchroom? Don't we need quiz-like tools for those issues too? 

Our answer is Yes!

That's why we created SIS (Single Issue Surveys)! Perhaps you've taken one or all of these. They cover the following issues...

  • The pandemic

  • Election integrity

  • Civil disobedience 

  • Police accountability

  • Censorship and free speech

  • Identity politics and political correctness

  • Government debt, money, and monetary policy

Now, we have a NEW SIS...

National Security & Foreign Policy Survey

Take a look at the some of questions we ask… 

  • What limits should we place on presidential war-making?

  • Should the U.S. maintain military bases overseas?

  • Do sanctions work? 

  • Could we replace the formal military establishment? 

  • Is the United Nations a useful organization?

We provide three answers to each question –one for Left, Right, and libertarians. 

We attempt to provide the best answer we can for each side, so that all three sides will see their views accurately depicted. 

We want to steelman the Left and Right positions, NOT strawman them. 

Hopefully, this means everyone will enjoy taking the quiz and will want to share it with others. Best of all...

Each side will get exposed to the strongest arguments from the other sides. And, since we have the confidence of our convictions, we're bound to discover both new libertarians or people who are libertarian curious. In fact... 

These surveys have already been taken by more than 10,000 people, with hundreds of new libertarians to our ranks. 

This is a great fun way to do libertarian outreach and to go beyond the World's Smallest Political Quiz. You can even use our SIS tools to continue a conversation with a friend that started with them taking the World's Smallest Political Quiz. There are three ways I'm encouraging you to USE THIS TOOL!

  1. Take the survey!

  2. Use that link to share the survey with others via email and social networks. 

  3. Contribute to fund our outreach so we can get more eyeballs on our single-issue surveys. 

This last point is particularly important. Thanks to this SIS approach, we can leverage current events to create cost-effective advertising. With your tax-deductible contribution, the government will get a little bit less of your money AND we will find new libertarians. Please make that possible.

Contribute Now

Thank you for your time and support!

Mike Sertic
Advocates for Self-Government


P.S. We've worked hard to make sure our new surveys are bug-free.  If you do encounter a problem while taking them, our support team will be available to assist you.

To equip people to understand, embrace, and advocate the values of self-government.

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