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To stop taxpayer-funded animal experiments, we must first stop wasteful
government spending.
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Taxpayer, Fauci is not alone. Government white coats in
labs across the country continue the practice of de-barking dogs to remove their
ability to communicate permanently.
It’s invasive, painful… and it’s mutilation .
That’s why we’re taking action and demanding a nationwide BAN on the practice of de-barking dogs in taxpayer-funded labs.
Dogs have no voice and no choice. But you do, Taxpayer.
Please use your voice and speak out against the BARBARIC practice of de-barking
dogs right now.
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[[link removed]]Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay $20 billion+ for wasteful government animal experiments.
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White Coat Waste Project (WCW) is a 501(c)(3) government watchdog. Contributions
are tax-deductible.
PO Box 26029, Washington, DC 20001
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Paid for by
The White Coat Waste Project, INC.
EIN 46-085643