Let's Talk.

Last week we invited you to a post-election debrief. In just a few hours, hundreds of people signed up to join.

We hope you're one of them! There's a lot to talk about...

And it's time we did.

Too often after an election we don't have the frank conversations and helpful discussions about how to move forward.

You saw the wins across the state – and we need to celebrate them. But there were also heartbreaking results. And not talking about those disappointments not only won't make them go away – it'll actually delay the work we know we have to do to solve the problems we know we have.

So let's change that on Friday, shall we?

Let's talk about where we are, where we want to be, how Blue Ohio is changing the strategy (in a good way) and how you fit in.

We hope you'll be part of it. (Register here or via the button below:

Ohio leaders, candidates, and activists that have been hard at work will be joining. And of course, David Pepper will moderate.

If you've already registered – great! Then please forward to your friends and network, and especially anyone who's asking: Where do we go from here?

We hope we'll see you Friday, Nov. 18, at noon.

Onward, upward, and in solidarity~
The Blue Ohio Team
Register for the Nov. 18 Blue Ohio Debrief
Paid for by It Starts Today Blue Ohio

Blue Ohio

It Starts Today, 237 Florida Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001
