The Unz Review Digest - January 3, 2020
In a society governed by extreme egalitarianism, freedom of association is but a pipe-dream. Our elite, and those elected to govern and dictate our lives, utilize diversity and multiculturalism (non-white legal immigration/refugees) as a weapon to bludgeon whats left of the Historic America Nation. And now, non-white Democrats have declared war on the white suburbs....
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Many of us are forced to deal with personal issues because of our political-cultural beliefs. A typical situation might be a wife or girlfriend—the great majority of activists on the dissident right are male—who is terrified of it becoming known that she is associated with someone who is shunned and socially ostracized. But of course,...
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Race has been discussed to the point of weariness, yet most discussion consists of little more than wishful thinking, contradiction, and outright malice: “All the races are equal, but whites oppress everyone else. Then again, race doesn’t really exist, which is why we must strive for greater racial diversity.” It is understandable that many people...
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White lives don't matter.[Woman arrested in Natchitoches baby's death,, 7-23-18]: Louisiana Fire Marshal's Office along with the Natchitoches Police Department arrested Felicia Marie-Nicole Smith, 25. She has been charged with first-degree murder in the death of Levi Cole Ellerbe. Ellerbe had been set on fire and was discovered off of Breda Avenue in Natchitoches....
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At 4:30 pm on March 30, 2002, Israeli military forces took over Palestinian TV stations when they occupied Ramallah in the West Bank. Shortly after occupying the Al-Watan TV station, the Israeli forces began broadcasting pornography over its transmitter. The Palestinians were outraged and bewildered. “Why in the world,” one woman wondered, “should one do...
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First data point you need to know: white students represent just 23 percent of public school enrollment in the state of California. Second data point you need to know: though black students make up just 5 percent of the public school enrollment in the state of California, they represent the majority of students suspended (even...
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One might think that 2019 was the year war was declared against anti-Semitism judging from the pronouncements of politicians in Washington, London, Paris and Berlin. To be sure, Israel and its diaspora friends have continued to play the “anti-Semitism” card whenever their behavior is challenged but the international passion to extirpate the “new anti-Semitism” to...
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Although Nietzsche seems to be the philosopher of choice for many on the Dissident Right, I’ve always had a soft spot for Arthur Schopenhauer. His cantankerous philosophical pessimism has always struck a chord with my own temperament, and for many years I’ve found his quasi-Buddhist and highly compassionate conceptualisation of suffering to be strangely comforting....
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MintPress speaks with Ari Ben-Menashe, a former Israeli spy who worked closely with Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwell’s father, as part of their work with Israeli military intelligence and had frequent encounters with Jeffrey Epstein. MONTREAL — In recent weeks, renewed attention has been brought to the allegations that Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex trafficking...
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It’s always good to get up at dawn to walk around, for you’ll see a less guarded, composed and worn out version of humanity. They’ll still have the rest of the day to blunder, lapse, commit a crime or jump off a bridge. Passing a Nha Trang park, I spot middle aged broads dancing the...
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Is there a future for Russian aircraft carriers? Those following the news from Russia have probably heard that Russia's only aircraft carrier, the Admiral Kuznetsov (official name: Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov), was put into dry dock for major repairs and retrofits. Things did not go well. First, the dry dock...
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Podcast of John Batchelor Show
For as long as I have known about him, I have been fascinated by the Japanese writer and artist Yukio Mishima. I think the first time I heard of him was when my favorite history professor, an older fellow specializing in East Asia, spoke in exhilarating terms of Mishima, all the while naughtily adding :...
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I just got home and saw the news that General Qasem Soleimani has been murdered along with another 5-8 people by what was initially reported as a MRL strike (Russian sources say it was a drone attack). This was bad enough. Then this:
While the Jewish Lobby and its squads of thought-police are geared up to frame and destroy anyone who dares to mention Soros’ ethnicity, Avraham Burg, prominent Israeli politician, former chairman of the Jewish Agency and interim Israeli president lauds George Soros as the quintessential ‘Jew-niversalist’ icon. In his recent Haaretz Op-ed titled “Get Ready for...
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Congress and the White House compete in year-end stupidity sweepstakes
At the end of the nineteenth century, Lord Palmerston stated what he thought was obvious, that “England has no eternal friends, England has no perpetual enemies, England has only eternal and perpetual interests.” Palmerston was saying that national interests should drive the relationships with foreigners. A nation will have amicable relations most of the time...
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Now that 2019 has ended, it is more than seventy-four years since the end of the Second World War. America’s “Greatest Generation” that actually fought the war and endured it on the home front, is dying off and the remembrance of the conflict is increasingly experienced second hand, if at all. The war has been...
Read More Editor Peter Brimelow writes: My memoir of Dr. John Tanton, who died July 16, has just appeared in the latest, Fall 2019, issue of his quarterly magazine The Social Contract, which is dedicated to his legacy. We’re posting it here with’s trademark hyperlinks. Sadly, in this issue The Social Contract Editors also announce...
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Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman is a return to well-trod ground – not just for the director, but for the actors concerned as well, not to mention Hollywood. It’s an organized crime story, the twist being that it has a political aspect to it as well. The cast is a veritable reunion of all the still-living...
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Dan Rosenberg, writing in the Canadian Jewish News, claims that it’s “anti-Semitic” to say that there’s a war on Christmas. He also says that “terms such as ‘New York lawyers (and bankers),’ and ‘Hollywood culture’ refer to Jews. When people speak of the ‘secularists’ and ‘internationalists’ who are behind conspiracies like the War on Christmas,...
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