From PPI <[email protected]>
Subject TODAY: Don't Miss PPI's Midterm Election Analysis
Date November 15, 2022 1:45 PM
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Join PPI today for a breakdown of the 2022 midterm results and an analysis of what we can learn ahead of 2024.

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The 2022 Midterms: Key Lessons and Course Corrections ([link removed])
Tuesday, November 15
11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)
Conference Rooms ABC
1201 15th St NW, Washington, D.C. xxxxxx

The dust hasn't settled on Tuesday's midterm elections, but discussions about the 2024 cycle have already started.

That's why the Progressive Policy Institute is hosting a post-election event TODAY to discuss what message voters delivered in the midterm elections and its implications for party leaders as they look ahead. Please join us to hear from political leaders, campaign strategists, and policy experts on the lessons we learned and how the center-left can best position itself for the 2024 election cycle.

Rep. Cheri Bustos (IL-17), U.S. House of Representatives
Ruy Teixeira, Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute
Elaine Kamarck, Director of the Center for Effective Public Management, Brookings Institution

Moderated by:
Will Marshall, President, Progressive Policy Institute

Only a few spots left!
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Build on this, Democrats: How the party can capitalize on Republicans’ midterm fizzle
By Will Marshall
Founder and President of the Progressive Policy Institute

** for New York Daily News ([link removed])

Last week’s delightfully abnormal midterm elections left Democrats elated and Republicans wondering how they failed to parlay President Biden’s dismal approval ratings and public consternation over soaring prices into big political gains.

The answer has three overlapping parts: a deeply unpopular stance on abortion, a bad habit of indulging anti-democratic extremism, and a raft of terrible candidates — all of which Republicans inflicted upon themselves. But for Democrats and Biden, dissecting the results and capitalizing on them are two very different matters. To hear voters’ 2022 message and win over many more in 2024, the party must decisively reoccupy the center, with pragmatic solutions that speak to voters’ everyday concerns.

As it happens, most voters (31%) did say inflation was the issue that mattered most to them ([link removed]) . But contrary to the media’s claims that abortion was no longer a salient issue, it came in a close second (27%), followed by crime, guns and immigration. Those who chose abortion overwhelmingly backed Democratic candidates.
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