Extra, extra! Human population now exceeds 8 billion...
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Dear John,
Thank you to everyone who has taken one or more of our 8 ACTIONS [3] in the
weeks ahead of today, the day OUR WORLD POPULATION HAS REACHED 8 BILLION
according to the United Nations.
Coincidentally rather than by design, COP27 climate talks continue in in
Egypt, plus there's the International Conference on Family Planning taking
place in Thailand, where we have a small team promoting our messages. Read
our take on why these events really, really should be connected here [4].
If you live in the UK and are near Cardiff, Wales you might spot a rather
large baby taking flight as a humorous prompt for people to think seriously
about their individual choices, and raise awareness of population and
consumption in wealthier countries.
We've got plenty of media interviews lined up and our social channels will
be packed full of facts and articles, so keep an eye on Twitter [5],
Facebook [6]and Instagram [7] for the latest!
Plus, you can still get involved by taking one of our 8 ACTIONS [3], or
even consider joining us as a member [8]. However you choose to support
Population Matters today, we're really grateful.
It'll be #8BillionAndCounting from now on, so why not get yourself a
t-shirt or hoodie to help promote Population Matters! There are plenty of
other designs available too.
There's been lots of media coverage for the 8 billion milestone over the
past couple of weeks. Take a look at the latest and share some of the best
with your networks.
MEDIA [10]
Are you ready to explore? There are lots of facts and numbers that explain
why population matters. Our interactive online tool helps you visualise and
understand the data.
We know that being passionate about population can sometimes lead to
feeling like you're a small fish in a big pond (or a lone voice among 8
billion!), especially when even some of the biggest players who should be
on board are putting too positive a spin on things [12].
But there are many more people willing to talk about our growing numbers
and the positive solutions available to improve people's lives than you
might think - why not start a population conversation with someone today
and see where it takes you?
Thank you for being part of the population movement and all your support
today and throughout the year.
Best wishes,
Izi Clery
Head of Fundraising and Engagement
Manage my communication preferences. [13]
The Chandlery, 50 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7QY, UK.
Registered company no 3019081, Charity 1114109
© 2022 Population Matters
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