Where is the inspirational architecture these days? Our glassy glimmering skylines reflect the morning sun, but critics say they are cold, unimaginative and bad for the environment. Plus, they won’t last. I will link you to a journalism project that examined one city’s embrace of “glassification,” which has historians worried that we are losing the culture that makes cities unique. This story holds lessons and raises questions that I think resonate with people from cities and towns everywhere. I really like this topic. Everyone notices it but we do not talk about it enough.
Farmland is getting so expensive that young farmers list land affordability as one of their biggest challenges. Cropland and pastureland are both rising, and some states are seeing double-digit price increases per acre in just the last year. I will take you state-by-state through the data.
It is possible that Donald Trump will announce tonight that he is running for president. And it is possible that he will make more promises to make a big announcement and continue fundraising off the intrigue. But one candidate is already running ads for 2024 and Vice President Pence is out with a new book and network interview. Just when you thought you were going to get a breather from elections. My friends at PolitiFact dive into the question of whether being a candidate offers any legal protection from prosecutors who might have their eyes on you.