Resilience in the Face of Anti-Semitism |
Sign Up Today To Join ADL Community Leaders, Activists and Supporters for the No Hate. No Fear. Solidarity March Across the Brooklyn Bridge.
In light of the recent violent attacks on the Jewish community in New York, people of all backgrounds will gather in Lower Manhattan for a solidarity march this Sunday, January 5.
The Jewish Community of Greater Washington will be organizing buses to New York City this Sunday to join in sending a message of strength and resilience in the face of anti-Semitism and hate. Buses will depart promptly at 6:00 a.m. from Rockville, Fairfax, and DC, and will return the same day.
The event in NY will begin at 11 a.m. with a march across the Brooklyn Bridge, followed by a rally in Columbus Park (near Cadman Plaza).
Registration and Additional Information Can Be FOund Here
The Greater Washington community delegation to NY is organized in partnership between the ADL, AJC, Federation, JCRC and the Washington Board of Rabbis. | |