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Let me tell you something not every campaign will tell you: Iowa is a place where upsets happen.

We’re exactly one month out until Iowans begin the tradition of caucusing and become some of the first people to push the needle in favor of our next Democratic presidential candidate. It’s a state where most people have not made up their mind about who to support -- which is why I want you to hear it from me that this campaign is in it to win it.

We’re in this race because we know we can win -- but that’s only going to happen with your help. Chip in here to fund our growing operation in Iowa and power us all the way to the caucuses on February 3rd.

We know the race is far from settled, and we know that we are one of the campaigns most likely to upset in Iowa:

  1. There hasn’t been an early state poll in Iowa since mid-November: A lot has changed in this race since November that is not being picked up by pollsters.

  2. We’re among the top of the field in endorsements, and we’re picking up more and more every single day. And everyone who has participated in a caucus will tell you, endorsements from local officials and community leaders hold great weight in crowded caucus rooms.

  3. Our ground game in Iowa is better than anyone else’s in the state. Our organizers embody the spirit of “hope, hype, hustle”, which has become our motto here on the Iowa team. This is how you campaign in Iowa -- grassroots organization and getting people energized.

Our strategy has always been to organize, organize, organize... and get hot at the end. Now, it’s time to get hot. With one month to go until caucus day, we need to raise more funds to bring our program to scale.

Donate $5 today to make sure our Iowa team has all the resources they need and so that we can increase our ad buy across the state before the caucuses.

Looking forward to this next month and beyond,


Paid for by Cory 2020

P.O. Box 32009 Newark, NJ 07102 | All content © 2019 Cory 2020, All Rights Reserved.

Contributions or gifts to Cory 2020 are not tax deductible.

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