We enter the new year at a time of great volatility. The impeachment of Trump is sharpening up the conflict at the highest levels of US government, and with profound international reverberations.
Ominously, yesterday, Trump ordered the U.S. military to assassinate by drone missile strike the high- ranking Iranian military leader Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani at the Baghdad airport. This action follows US bombing of Iranian-affiliated militias in Iraq and Syria.
This is a major and extremely dangerous and provocative escalation. A military strike killing a leader of a state, in another sovereign state, is an act of aggression, if not war, against both Iran and Iraq, and has potentially huge and unpredictable consequences.

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At such a moment of conspicuous change – yes at the top of the US government, and between nations - our actions, our daring, our determination can have potentially historic impact.
2019 saw an global wave of massive and sustained protests all over the world that took on, and in many cases drove out, hated regimes. No less is needed here.'s mission and our promise to the people of the world now is to launch, inspire, and provide direction to the #OUTNOW! Movement of sustained non-violent broad based mass protest for the single demand: TRUMP/PENCE OUT NOW! calls on everyone to protest, demanding NO U.S. WAR WITH IRAN! DRIVE OUT the FASCIST Trump/Pence Regime! #OUTNOW!
Saturday January 4 protests by anti-war groups, and endorsed by
Washington DC - The White House 12:00 pm Facebook event
New York City - Times Square 11:00 am Facebook event
Chicago - Trump Tower Wacker & Wabash 12:00 pm Facebook event
Los Angeles - Pershing Square 1:00 pm Facebook event
San Francisco - Powell & Market 12:00 pm Facebook event
Miami - Torch of Friendship 1:00 pm Facebook event
Arington MA - Broadway Plaza 12:00 pm Facebook event
Atlanta - Little Five Points 3:00 pm Facebook event
Seattle - Westlake Park 2:00 pm Facebook event
Cleveland - Market Square 12:00 pm
More cities here / organize your own.
You are invited to #OutNOW Mass Meetings Saturday & Sunday
No one can say in advance just how much sharper the domestic and international contention will become. No one can say in advance exactly how deeply this impeachment is going to reverberate and impact the masses of people here and around the world.
But we can say that if the people take up the kind of massive, sustained, nonviolent protest demanding the ouster of the whole regime that and the #OUTNOW! Movement are fighting for, this could change the whole game.
At meetings this weekend, we will discuss, brainstorm and plan how to develop the week after week movement of sustained mass protest. How can we, together, win growing numbers of people to take up this demand and join us in the streets to make it real?
Come on behalf of your schools, congregations, social justice and student groups, neighborhood associations, or as unaffiliated individuals who want to take on the greatest challenge facing humanity today.
Atlanta: Sunday January 5 1:00 pm Ebrik Coffee Room 16 Park Place NE Atlanta Facebook event
Boston: Sunday January 5 3:00 – 5:00 pm Windsor Street Community Center, 119 Windsor Street, Cambridge
Chicago: Saturday January 4 2:00 pm About Face Theater Offices 5252 N. Broadway Chicago Facebook event
Cleveland: Saturday January 4 3:00 pm St. Paul’s Community Church 4427 Franklin Blvd Cleveland Facebook event
Honolulu: Saturday January 4 6:30 8:30 pm Church of the Crossroads 1212 University Avenue Facebook event
Houston: Saturday January 4 2:00 pm St. Stephens Community House, 1755 Sul Ross at Woodhead, Houston Facebook event
Los Angeles: Sunday January 5 2:00 – 5:00 pm Sepulveda Peace Center 3916 Sepulveda, Culver City Facebook event
New York: Sunday January 5 2:00 pm Asian American Writers Workshop 112 West 27th Street 6th floor Facebook event
Philadelphia: Saturday January 4 2:00 pm South Philadelphia Library 1700 South Broad Street Facebook event
San Francisco: Sunday January 5 3:30 – 5:30 pm First Unitarian Universalist Center, 1137 Franklin Street Facebook event
Seattle: Saturday January 4 6:30 - 8:30 pm Benefit Party for #OutNOW movement All Pilgrims Church
500 Broadway East Seattle Facebook event national team
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