Portland had a 71% voter turnout. A total of 33,993 registered voters voted last Tuesday. 14,017 voters voted absentee and 19,976 voted in-person.
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November 14, 2022 (Monday - Council Meeting at 5pm, Workshop at 4pm)
Dear Portlanders,
We voted - and what an election it was!
* 71% of registered City of Portland voters cast a ballot. THANK YOU!
* 33,993 votes: 14,017 voters voted absentee, and 19,976 voted in-person.
Portland's local Charter Commission and Citizen Initiative results were definitive...
* Six of the Eight Charter Commission proposals passed (yes / no):
+ Q1 Preamble and Land Acknowledgement 63% / 37%
+ Q3 Clean Elections 65% / 35%
+ Q4 Proportional Rank Choice Voting 64% / 36%
+ Q6 Peaks Island Council 66% / 34%
+ Q7 Police Oversight 61% / 39%
+ Q8 Ethics Commission & Code of Ethics 70% / 30%
* Two of the Eight Charter Commission proposals failed (yes / no):
+ Q2 Governance 35% / 65%
+ Q5 School Board Budget Autonomy 42% / 58%
* One of the Five Citizen Initiatives passed (yes / no):
+ QC Tenant Protections 61% / 39%
* Four of the Five Citizen Initiatives failed (yes / no):
+ QA Short Term Rentals 44% / 56%
+ QB Short Term Rentals 45% / 55%
+ QD Minimum Wage 39% / 61%
+ QE Cruise Ships 27% / 73%
Just like any ordinance amendment, city staff has 30 days to implement the provisions of Question C.
And - Portland's Corporation Counsel is working with the Charter Commission's counsel regarding implementation timing of Amendments to the City Charter - which we believe will take effect the first day of the new fiscal year, July 1, 2023. (More on that later this week...)
Some Updates - Please stay engaged!
* City Manager Hiring Process:
+ Last Thursday, the City Council's Search Committee picked up the work to move forward the work to hire a permanent City Manager.
+ Our next meeting is this Wednesday at 8:00am on Zoom. (see below for log in info)
* Proposed Concert at Payson Park:
+ There's a Council Workshop today at 4:00pm re: a proposed multi-day concert in Payson Park. The festival license will be considered next Monday (11/21) - and today's Workshop is a chance for the Council to learn more. (This is not a public comment opportunity, but please join us in person at City Hall, or on Zoom to listen in...)
* Food Trucks:
+ City of Portland staff will present their recommendation for the 2023 food truck program on the Eastern Prom during a joint meeting ([link removed]) of the Council’s Housing & Economic Development Committee and the Sustainability & Transportation Committee. The meeting, which will take place tomorrow - Tuesday, November 15 at 5:00 PM - will also include a review of the 2022 pilot program and recent food truck survey results. Public comment will be taken.
* Back to Proposed Concert:
+ I'll host a Mayor Zoom meeting about the proposed concert (mentioned above). This will be from 7:00-8:00pm. I'll have the concert applicants, city staff and others with me to offer information and hear your concerns/answer your questions. Please join us - this is an opportunity for community engagement.
All meeting info and Zoom log-in info is here: www.portlandmaine.gov/agendas
Mayor Zoom info and Zoom log-in info is here: www.portlandmaine.gov/mayor
More soon,
Kate Snyder
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Mayor Kate Snyder . 389 Congress St . Portland, ME 04101-3566 . USA