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Please join us Monday, November 14 from 9AM - 11AM (EST) for QI Previews the G20, addressing the question: 
"Is America Ready for a Multipolar World?"

The United States’ position as the world’s sole superpower appears to be slipping. Chinese power and reach continue to grow. Much of the Global South has adopted an independent position on the response to Russia’s invasion of  Ukraine as well as on America’s effort to contain China’s growth and influence. As world leaders gather at the G20 summit in Bali, America’s power and purpose is at a crossroads. Challengers of U.S. power – such as Russia’s Putin – welcome a new world order. Does that mean, however, that America should seek to restore American primacy through military dominance? Is this even possible? Or is America better off shifting strategy toward managing a world of shared leadership?
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