This footage proves they exist, and we're fighting to defend their rights!
Dear friend,

Indigenous people of the Guajajara tribe in Brazil would like you to watch and share this moving footage of an uncontacted man, caught unawares as he goes about his life in the forest. 

Midía Índia, an indigenous film-making association, has released the clip to draw attention to the plight of the uncontacted Awá they share their territory with. 
"We hope this film produces something positive. We hope it makes an impact around the world to help protect our people and our forest." – Flay Guajajara, Mídia Índia, Brazil.
For me, this footage serves as a reminder of what Survival supporters are fighting to defend: the lives and lands of the most vulnerable peoples on the planet. 

The Awá's last patch of forest is being rapidly destroyed as loggers and ranchers close in on their lands, no doubt emboldened by President Bolsonaro's anti-indigenous policies and racist rhetoric. 

As you can imagine, this a top priority for us. We're working closely with the Guardians of the Amazon to support their vital work defending the rainforest. 

And we're putting pressure on ministers and government officials to protect indigenous lands. We'll never back down, and with your support we'll never give up. 

Yours in solidarity,

Alice Raymond
Survival International
Act now: Support the Guardians of the Amazon
Mídia Índia asked Survival to share these images to show the Awá exist and garner support for the protection of their land. So far, the footage has received a huge amount of media attention and the news has been seen millions of times.

The images also feature in a short film, "Ka'a Zar Ukyze Wà – Forest Keepers in Danger" produced by Mídia Índia in collaboration with Instituto Catitu and Instituto Socioambiental, and with the support of organizations including Instituto Makarapy, If Not Us Then Who? and Survival.

P.S. We reject government funding and shady corporate money so our integrity is never compromised. We rely entirely on your donations to keep fighting for tribal peoples worldwide. Please donate today. Without you, there can be no Survival.

Survival International USA, PO Box 26345, San Francisco, CA 94126 | A 501(c)(3) organization tax I.D. 26-3208869
Survival International, 6 Charterhouse Buildings, London EC1M 7ET, UK | Charity no. 267444

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