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Dear John

Did you see that we're doing something special for our first chapter meeting of 2020?

The CCL-DC January climate meeting is focused on planning for the year ahead. We will conduct a strategy exercise to determine our priorities. All are welcome--see more details and RSVP to join us at Ben's Chili Bowl in the link below! 

What: CCL DC Annual Strategy Dinner
When: January 11, 7:00-9:30pm
Where: Ben's Chili Bowl, 1213 U St NW

Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference
Jan 18-19
Wilmington, DE

The CCL chapters from PA, NJ, DE, MD, and DC will meet to learn, strategize, and collaborate on climate solutions. Sharpen your focus on the strategies and partnerships to pass climate legisaltion in Congres! Our goal is to inspire, inform, and collaborate across state and district boundaries and with other organizations in our region. Using a stunning new art display we’ll envision our shared natural heritage and our common future together.
What: CCL Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference
Jan 18-19
Where: Wilmington, DE

Tickets include conference plus two breakfasts, one lunch, snacks, and all-day beverages.
  • Regular Ticket: $110
  • Student Ticket: (through Dec. 15): $49
  • Vendor Ticket (includes table and registration for one person, through Jan. 12): $200
A limited number of discount tickets are available for those with financial considerations. Please contact [email protected] to inquire about these discounts.

Ticket sales end on January 12, 2020. For questions about tickets or discounts, please contact Sabrina Fu ([email protected])
Quick actions you can take for the climate:
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