Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney rejected Ocasio-Cortez's criticism of New York's "calcified political machine," which she said contributed to Democratic losses in the U.S. House.
"There's an emerging blue wave in secretary of state races," said one observer after Adrian Fontes and Cisco Aguilar defeated Republican election deniers Mark Finchem and Jim Marchant.
"If President Biden is serious about the U.S. doing its part to 'avert climate hell,' he would deliver a plan to end the era of fossil fuels," said one campaigner.
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Rather than informing voters so they can make decisions in their best interests at the ballot box, it obscures the most important issues with its endless guessing games about what those voters want.
Why are the election deniers, the monied interests, and the bigots and the haters fighting so hard to defeat us? Why are they telling such blatant lies? Why are they so desperate to suppress our votes? One simple reason: They are afraid of us.