The vaping panic impedes tobacco cessation and generates black market opportunities. "Is War Over?" upcoming policy forum on February 6th.
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January 3, 2020
Capitol Hill ([link removed] )
Wall Street Journal Editorial Board Misses the Mark on Congressional Staffing ([link removed] )
Though perhaps counter-intuitive, investment in congressional staff is an essential complement to the WSJ’s avowed goal—that is, checking the “expansion of government.”
- Wall Street Journal Editorial Board Misses the Mark on Congressional Staffing ([link removed] )
By William Yeatman
Tobacco Products ([link removed] )
With Mounting Evidence That E‑cigs Help Smokers Quit, the Trump Administration is Poised to Make Quitting More Difficult ([link removed] )
The vaping panic impedes tobacco cessation and generates black market opportunities.
- With Mounting Evidence That E-cigs Help Smokers Quit, the Trump Administration is Poised to Make Quitting More Difficult ([link removed] )
By Jeffrey A. Singer
is-war-over ([link removed] )
Is War Over? ([link removed] )
A scholarly debate has emerged over trends in global conflict and the future of warfare. Is the international system becoming more peaceful, or is it just as violent and war-prone as it always has been? Is great-power war a thing of the past, or has it merely been dormant under changing technological and institutional conditions? Crafting an appropriate U.S. foreign policy is dependent on accurately measuring the state of war and peace in the world. Please join us on February 6th for a discussion of these vital issues.
- Is War Over? ([link removed] )
Featuring Paul Poast, John Mueller, Christopher Fettweis, Bethany Lacina, and John Glaser
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