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Across Britain, 34% of people agree that "all morals are grounded in religious teachings", with 32% disagreeing and the rest undecided, according to a survey
by the publisher UnHerd and pollster FocalData.
A key proposal in talks over power-sharing at Stormont is to reform the petition of concern so its use would have to be approved on each occasion by the
Human Rights Commission, it has been claimed. The petition has previously been used to block measures including the legalisation of same-sex marriage.
More than 200 members of the US Congress are urging the country's Supreme Court to reconsider – if not overrule – the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade decision,
which legalised abortion nationwide.
Two more cases of clerical sexual abuse have added new twists to the series of accusations that gnaw away at the image of the Catholic Church in France.
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