Friend --

We kicked the New Year’s Revolution off right by calling over 700 of our members and Bernie supporters and we’re going to hit the streets in full force in the next few days. But socialists can have a little fun, as a treat-



SATURDAY, January 4th 7pm-11:30pm

B4beL4b Gallery, 182 10th St, Downtown Oakland

RSVP: Facebook // Website


Bernie and DSA are going HUUUUUUGE in 2020, and we're gonna need lots of resources to make it happen. But like Bernie, we’re not funded by the billionaires; we are one of the largest independent campaigns for Bernie in California, ran entirely by members who are volunteers. We are the ones who buy the literature, canvassing supplies, snacks and we pay the rent on our new Oakland office (!!!) and we need everyone to chip in to win! 

So come dance your butt off to DJs, grab a beer or LaCroix, and build a socialist future! And invite all your friends, coworkers, and the Bernie-curious people you know.

You can also win some fabulous raffle prizes; raffle tickets are available to purchase ahead of time via Venmo, see below for details! 

Venue is 3 blocks of Lake Merritt & half a mile from 12th St BART, has an elevator and is open to all ages.


Don’t forget, tonight is BREWS FOR BERNIE!

TONIGHT, January 2nd 7pm-10pm

Classic Cars West, 411 26th st. Oakland

RSVP: Facebook // Website


For a chiller vibe, come mingle with some experienced organizers and the Bernie-curious at our Brews for Bernie happy hour! We'll talk about Bernie and the fight for Medicare for All, College for All, a Green New Deal, and so much more over a couple pints. Brews for Bernie is great for anyone who is new to DSA and organizing and looking to learn more about our work and get plugged in.

For more information on raffle prizes available and how to buy raffle tickets ahead of time/how to get raffle tickets if you can’t make the party, check out our website!

Paid for by East Bay Democratic Socialists of America ( and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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