Hi John!

I spent New Year's Eve with a few dozen San Francisco politicos in New Orleans, celebrating a marriage proposal at the stroke of midnight. It was a joyful occasion, at an auspicious moment, the first moment of not just a new year but a new decade.

I've been thinking about the words of my celebratory friend ever since. It was a perfect example of how something personal can inspire political action. 

“I grew up gay and Mormon. I would sit in church and be told that being gay was wrong. I had to develop the skill of being OK knowing I was right while every single other person in the room was wrong. Since then and since moving to San Francisco, I’ve been finding people I can build my own room with. People with the same moral compass as me and who want bold, radical change.”

In 2020 and beyond, may we all stand up for what we believe in and know is right even in the face of opposition - from keeping families together, to providing healthcare as a right, to taking urgent climate action.

This is how we'll change a status quo that doesn't serve us all equally, as a democracy should.
change the status quo
With gratitude,
Agatha Bacelar
Candidate for U.S. Congress, CA-12
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