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Hello, friends,

We made it to the end of Election Season!  You have a lot to be proud of!  Our True Texans were engaged in battles all across the state… whether helping a candidate or protecting election integrity or getting out the vote.  In the end, Texas kept the Leftists at bay, and that’s a success any way you look at it!  For example (just a few of many), one of our long-time Advisory Board Members, Tim O'Hare, is now the Tarrant County Judge, and in Ellis County all 8 bonds failed!   And my personal favorite?  The Establishment in Texas saw what happens when you do not excite your base (as compared to Florida where they had overwhelming majorities because the base is energized by the GOP taking action). 

True Texas Project has become a sought-out resource any time an election occurs.  Folks are learning to go to our website to find recommendations they can trust, and that of course increases in our influence.  You did that!  Thank you!

I know for most of you, myself included, Greg Abbott was not our first, second, or even third choice. If you remember during the primaries, our mantra was “anybody but Abbott.” We will continue to remind him it was the grassroots who won him this reelection, and it’s the grassroots who will hold him accountable.

In other words, our work is not done!  In fact, this is when the rubber meets the road!

But as we tell our kids, nothing in life is free. This is true for our training classes and our statewide growth as well. They cost money to run!

    • True Texas Project is now recognized as the place to go for activist training! We train you on how exactly to hold our elected employees accountable to the promises they made on the campaign trail. We do this around the state in our free Certified True Texan classes, weekly meetings in our local satellites , and traveling to the Capitol throughout the legislative session (not to mention city hall and the county court house)! Will you chip in $50 to help more Texans become educated citizen activists?
    • We also do this by continuing to expand our reach into more counties! Did you know we have locations covering 25 counties now???  We get emails every day asking us to come to new counties across the state! As much as we would love to expand even more than we already have this year, we just don’t have the staff or resources to do so. Your support can help us fill this void! Just because YOUR county is covered, doesn't mean we can change Texas.  We've got to get the entire state involved. Will you give $100 to grow our movement?

We are so grateful for your ongoing support. Hundreds of you have donated which has allowed FOUR new True Texas Project satellites to open in the past 4 months! Every dollar you give to True Texas Project furthers the mission.

Please partner with us today to help us ensure that the only blue in Texas comes from Bluebonnets and Blue Bell.

Always for Texas,
Julie McCarty

P.S. Here are other ways to help True Texas Project out financially:

  • Join us at our Christmas Party! Proceeds contribute to our scholarship fund, which helps us to reach teens and their families!
  • Shop our merchandise for Christmas gifts!
  • Sign up to have a portion of your shopping go to support True Texas at Tom Thumb, Kroger, or Amazon Smile. Click here and scroll down to "Option Two".
  • Consider True Texas in your estate planning and wills. For info, click here and scroll to the bottom of the page.
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