Hello Friends,

When we launched this campaign for Congress over a year ago, we knew it was going to be an uphill battle. We were running in a district dominated by Republicans that spanned 12 counties. 

We reached 50,000 voters for the general election and prioritized connecting with voters who align with neither major party and who feel rightly that the political process is failing them.

Most importantly,
we went up against one of the most extreme members of Congress and held her accountable for her votes against bi-partisan, common sense legislation that American families desperately need. 

Nationwide, voters under 40 resonated with the same message our campaign spread in FL-03:
we need representatives who will protect reproductive freedom, defend democracy, enact gun safety legislation, and uplift American families. 

While we hoped Election Day would end with us celebrating a win, we must remember that true victory demands dedication in the face of momentary defeat. This campaign offered the opportunity to be part of something larger than one candidate or one election. Our campaign’s highest priority was laying the groundwork necessary for our progressive values to win up-and-down the ballot.

To everyone who donated, volunteered, and cheered us on, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your support. Our work was not in vain.

Our struggle does not end here. We are only just beginning.

-- Danielle Hawk
2022 Democratic Nominee for Congress, FL-03
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