Americans for Peace Now
Americans for Peace Now: January 2, 2020

READ the top quotes of 2019, selected from those that appear here each week!

Issue Briefs

Hard Questions, Tough Answers with Yossi Alpher

Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

December 31, 2019 - End of decade update on Israeli security and Israeli politics

Q. As we end 2019, you are putting security before politics?

A. True, that may sound counter-intuitive...

Q. What exactly did Kochavi say that raised eyebrows?

A. ...Kochavi has a clear agenda--first for the army, then for the public...

Q. And Gaza? Hamas? Palestinian Islamic Jihad rockets fired at the Gaza periphery settlements? What was Kochavi’s message here?

A. ...the IDF wants to sharpen its focus on an impending clash to Israel’s north by deescalating to the greatest extent possible on the Gaza front...

Q. What’s encompassed in this Israeli-Gazan enterprise, which is by far not the first attempt at hasdara? And what is not included?

A. Encompassed are more Qatari money and more infrastructure projects for the Strip...

Q. On to politics: can we begin to see how March 2’s third round of elections is shaping up?

A. Definitely...

Q. So there is nothing really new at this point...

A. As in the two previous rounds, interest focuses on the smaller parties on the left and right...

Q. Any new electoral tactics or gimmicks?

A. Not yet. What remains fascinating is the absolute contrast between Likud’s Netanyahu and Blue-White’s Gantz...

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Register Now for Voting to begin January 21

APN is part of the exciting new partnership joining with 10 other organizations to create the HATIKVAH: Progressive Israel Slate, running in the upcoming World Zionist Congress elections.

Go HERE for more information on HATIKVAH and how to register to vote.

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APN Audio

PeaceCast: The Occupation and the Crisis of Israeli Liberalism

Hear Menachem Mautner, Professor of Comparative Civil Law and Jurisprudence at the Tel Aviv University’s Faculty of Law, explain why he wrote two recently-published books: a dystopian novel that predicts the devastation that Mautner believes will lead to Middle East peace, and a book analyzing the crisis of Israeli liberalism.


Subscribe to APN's PeaceCast at iTunes or Google Play

Breakthrough Ruling on Peace Now Petition

Israel’s High Court of Justice (HCJ) issued an interim decision for a petition filed by Peace Now against the funding of Amana, a key driver of settlement expansion and illegal outpost construction.

Peace Now: The judges’ decision is a dramatic yet necessary step that limits, for the time being, this illicit transfer of funds to illegal projects in the settlements and outposts.

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VIDEO: Peace Now (Shalom Achshav) 2019 in Review

Click on the graphic above or HERE to see the video featuring snippets from the many activities and accomplishments of Peace Now in 2019.

©2019. Americans For Peace Now, 1320 19th Street NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036.

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