🕚 Share your ideas by Tuesday, November 15th.
💬 You can still make sure your ideas are heard.
📢 Join the conversation and help inform planning for the 2030 Census.
Your Feedback Will Help Design a Better 2030 Census
We want to make sure everyone’s ideas are heard and hope that you join the conversation.
- ❓ What are your needs when responding to the census?
- ❓ How can the Census Bureau increase access for people with disabilities?
- ❓ How can the Census Bureau more effectively reach everyone, especially historically undercounted populations?
Planning for the 2030 Census – the 25th in U.S. history – is underway. To develop the operational design, we will factor in past census experiences, your feedback, and new research. We will also consider evolving technologies and the changing world around us.
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About the Census Bureau
We serve as the nation’s leading provider of quality data about its people and economy. The Census Bureau is the federal government's largest statistical agency. As the world’s premier statistical agency, we are dedicated to making our nation a better place. Policy-makers, businesses, and the public use our data to make informed decisions.