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Dear Friend,

We would not have the democracy we have today if not for the efforts of the brave servicemembers who have put their lives on the line to defend our country. On Veterans Day, I hope you are able to take a moment to express your gratitude to the veterans in your life and reflect on the important work they do for us. Here in New Mexico, we have a long and proud tradition of service throughout our communities, and we even have one of the highest percentages of veteran residents in the nation.

If you are a veteran and you are reading this, I want to take this opportunity to say, from the bottom of my heart—thank you. I am committed to fighting for you in Congress with the same dedication that you have shown our nation.

As a part of thanking our veterans for their service, we must also fulfill our duty to care for both veterans and their families – this includes everything from employment resources, health care, and so much more. One of my most important jobs as your Congresswoman is to ensure our veterans have access to the full array of benefits they have earned. This is especially true in New Mexico’s First Congressional District where we are home to both Kirtland Air Force Base and the Raymond G. Murphy VA Medical Center.

Earlier this year, I was proud to have helped pass the Honoring Our PACT Act, which will help to provide expanded health care for as many as 3.5 million veterans. This legislation was created to specifically support veterans who were exposed to toxic substances during their military service. Under this bill, a veteran will be presumed to have been exposed to toxic substances if they served in a particular area during a particular time, which will ensure they are eligible for the proper health care and benefits. If you believe that you or a family member qualifies for these new benefits, you can learn more here or contact my office! And, I will continue to fight for legislation that provides essential support for our veterans and their loved ones.  

Finally, I am incredibly grateful to host a Wounded Warrior Fellow in my Albuquerque Office. Megan Barker is a part of the Green & Gold Congressional Aide Program, which was established in 2008 to provide Veterans and Gold Star Families an opportunity to work for Congress. Ms. Barker, who separated as a Staff Sergeant after serving six years Active Duty in the United States Air Force, serves as a liaison to local Veterans Service Organizations and other federal agencies. She specialized in overseas postal operations, manpower and personnel, and wore dual hats such as Master Resilience Trainer and Victim Advocate. She believes in empowering veterans, service members, and their families. If you or your family member needs casework assistance dealing with the VA or any active-duty branch, please call my district office at (505) 346-6781.

As always, if I can be of any assistance to you or your family, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or my staff at (505) 346-6781. If you’d like to keep up to date on what I am working on in Washington on behalf of New Mexico’s First Congressional District and our communities, you can subscribe to our newsletter here, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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Warm Regards,

Melanie A. Stansbury
Member of Congress


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