Dear John,
As we look ahead to 2023 — which will be full of opportunities to end the death penalty in states like Ohio, Wyoming, and Nevada — conservative media around the country is sharing our concern. The death penalty is a costly, wasteful government program that fails families and doesn’t make anyone safer.
Over the next few months, you can join in sharing your concerns about the death penalty with the people in your lives. Here are a few of our recent media appearances that you can share with friends and family and on social media: -
When the Parkland verdict was released, I offered my thoughts with The Daily Beast about the futility of the death penalty. Read it here.
On The Brian Nichols Show, I discussed how the death penalty fails to align with conservative principles. Watch the episode here.
On The Jenna Ellis Show, I talked with Jenna Ellis, former advisor and legal counsel to President Donald Trump, about the morality of the death penalty. That conversation can be viewed here.
On Situation Report, I discussed how the anti-abortion community can lend their voices to efforts to end the death penalty. Watch the conversation here.
In another op-ed for The Daily Beast, I ask for pro-life conservative activists to join in our cause. Read it here.
In all of these appearances, the message is clear: conservatives are vital to ending the death penalty and for the reimagining of what justice should look like. Please share these articles and videos widely so that we can continue to build support toward ending the death penalty.
Thank you for your continued support. Momentum is clearly on our side. |