The United States of America is a nation formed, unlike other nations, not just as a deliberate act of rebellion from a tyrannical parliament and king, but as the founding of a new nation based not on ethnic solidarity, but principally on deliberate, prudent, reasonable principles recorded in a short public document accessible to all. Our veterans' oath is to defend the constitution of the United States of America. Our allegiance to our nation creates a new ethnicity, a bond of patriotism freely adopted and vigilantly defended.
We honor today our military veterans, especially those who have made the ultimate sacrifice of their very life for our country. We also, and not less, honor those living among us, those wounded or maimed, and, yes, we also honor our fellow citizens, still whole of body, who have been called, while serving, and have endured, the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" by serving in that horrific ordeal called war. And when we ‘thank a soldier or veteran we see, we also honor those who have promised to serve and sowrn that oath. The ancient philosopher, Heraclitus, said "they also serve who only stand and wait." We understand this, and so we honor every veteran of our armed services today.
Fly your flag, pray for our veterans, and our country, and share your joy and pride as a citizen of this free republic, a nation that strives to be as one, and whose living principle is to protect our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.