
Tuesday night was a decisive victory for our campaign, and it’s thanks to your unwavering support that we were able to protect this seat. Thank you.

I hope you know that I will continue to fight with everything I have for the issues we care about so deeply. To protect our Social Security and Medicare against Republican attempts to decimate both programs. To enshrine women’s reproductive freedom into federal law. To keep tackling the scourge of gun violence and make progress against the climate crisis. Against any big and powerful special interests that attempt to forestall this progress.

I will also continue to work with any reasonable colleagues across the aisle toward all possible progress on the critical issues that face our nation. However, there will be no compromise with any forces that attempt to overrun our democracy. Tuesday night, democracy won, and it must always prevail.

Together, in partnership with President Biden, we’ve accomplished a great deal over the last two years. While control of the Senate still hangs in the balance, I remain hopeful and determined that we will accomplish even more in the coming months.

Again, thank you for everything. It’s because of people like you opening emails like this – taking action, giving whatever you could – that we were able to win last night. I will always be grateful for everything you’ve done.



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