Dear john,

Today, we express our gratitude to our nation’s veterans. It is because of the service and sacrifice of our veterans that we have so many of the rights and freedoms we enjoy as Americans.


I come from a military family—I was raised by a father who served our nation, so I know how important it is to fulfill our promise to our nation’s veterans. During my first term in Congress, I introduced the Honoring American Veterans in Extreme Need Act (HAVEN Act). This legislation gives bankruptcy aid to military families who are suffering financial hardship. I am proud I was able to get that legislation signed into law by President Trump.

In March of this year, I joined many of my colleagues in voting for the Honoring our PACT Act of 2022. This historic bill expands VA health care coverage to veterans with illnesses caused by exposure to burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic substances. This legislation was signed into law by President Biden. In Congress, I will work across the aisle to get things done, because serving our veterans is not a Democratic or a Republican issue; it is an American responsibility.


Here at home, my office continues to support Georgia’s ever-growing veteran community. My office works closely with scores of veterans who need assistance receiving their hard-earned VA benefits. Each February, my district office works with local schools and community groups to write Valentines for Veterans—we’ve delivered thousands of cards to the Atlanta VA Medical Center since I took office. My office has developed a close partnership with the Library of Congress’ Veterans History Project, which documents and preserves the stories of veterans for generations to come. In addition, I’ve been honored to host several Vietnam War Commemoration Pinning Ceremonies to recognize the men and women who served America during the Vietnam War era.


I’m proud to work in Congress and here at home on behalf of our service members and fight for the health and wellbeing of our veteran community. Today and every day, we must do all we can to support those who have served and sacrificed so much for our country.

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Lucy McBath
Member of Congress
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