John –

We won the closest statewide race of the year this week, and I sincerely believe that we couldn’t have pulled it off without the support of each and every person reading this email.

Whether you contributed money, time, or your vote this year, I couldn’t be more grateful.

Thank you! From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate your support.

The DFL had a big night, there’s no disputing that. But for some folks, it’s not over yet.

There’s going to be recounts in a handful of key House and Senate races – recounts that’ll decide legislative majorities.

The DFL is hard at work to make sure that every vote is counted in these races. And they need your help!

Chip in today to help me support the DFL’s efforts to make sure every vote is counted!

Thank you again for all of your help!





Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States