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Hi Friend,
As we head into the winter season, cases of COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses are expected to rise. Since the beginning of the pandemic, hundreds of millions of Americans have contracted COVID, and many are still experiencing lingering symptoms, known as Long COVID.  
The early days of COVID exposed the dysfunctional infrastructure of our for-profit health care system and its inability to respond effectively to a public health emergency. It further confirmed that partisan politics impedes federal responsiveness and costs lives.  
On November 16th, join us from 2-4pm ET for a virtual event in which patient advocates and researchers, policy experts, and Ryan Prior, author of The Long Haul: Solving the Puzzle of the Pandemic's Long Haulers and How They Are Changing Healthcare Forever will discuss the need for a federal response to Long COVID and other complex chronic conditions that have disabled millions of Americans. 
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Panelists will discuss findings in CPCC and CEPR's recent report, Understanding and Addressing Long COVID. And you will hear from moderator Shawn Fremstad, Director of Law and Political Economy and Senior Advisor at CEPR, along with special guests, including: 

  • Angela Meriquez Vázquez, Interim President, Body Politic 
  • Hayley Brown, Research Associate, CEPR 
  • Chenelle Hammonds, Policy Associate, CPCC  
  • Ryan Prior, Journalist and Author of “The Long Haul” 
  • Lisa McCorkell, Co-Founder, Patient-Led Research Collaborative 

I hope you will join us, 
Saima Akhtar 
Senior Attorney, National Center for Law and Economic Justice 

The National Center for Law and Economic Justice advances racial and economic justice through ground-breaking impact litigation, policy advocacy, and support for grassroots organizing. We have provided legal representation and support since 1965.
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