Dear AFSA Member,
Happy Veterans Day! Today, we honor all who have served this country to defend us and our freedoms. Veterans are an integral part of the school leader community, and an integral part of our AFSA family.
During our 16th Triennial Constitutional Convention, we unanimously passed a resolution creating an AFSA Veterans Chapter. Our Veterans Chapter will bring together union leaders and union members who are veterans to speak out on and add their valued perspective to veterans’ issues, and influence public policy to improve the quality of life for U.S. veterans and their families. If you are a veteran, please email us at [email protected] and provide us with your name and school district so you can get involved with the AFSA Veterans Chapter.
In honor of Veterans Day, our union will be recognizing a few of our members who have served through member profiles posted on our Facebook page and website this month. Please join us in recognizing school leaders who have served by thanking those in your school community for their service to our nation and our nation’s students.